Striglina rufescens Gaede, 1922;  Plate 9


Kalimantan Barat, 85 miles above Pontianak. The holotype of Striglina rufescens Gaede, 1922:29 from N.E. India (Upper Assam) is in the MfNB as is the NHM genitalia slide #10885. Auctt. syn. Rhodoneura bivittata Moore, 1883c. (Gaede, 1932:747) was a misidentification (Whalley, 1976:58, fig’d)).


25mm. A reddish-brown species with a speckling of small dark spots. The FW has a diffuse dark brown orbicular spot and fainter diffuse dark brown patches posterior to it in the median area. The gnathos of the the holotype (the only Indian specimen known to Whalley, 1976) differs slightly from the other specimens from S.E. Asia that he examined. There is one other ssp. in addition to the nominate ssp.; Ssp. rufescens Gaede, 1922, India. Ssp. 1 unnamed in NHM (Mi7291), Burma [Myanmar], China, W. Malaysia, Sabah, Labuan, Sarawak, Sumatra.

Distribution & Habitat

S. China (Hainan), Sikkim, Assam, Burma [Myanmar], Sumatra, W. Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan Barat, Labuan. Lowland and hill forest; <1000m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

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