Striglina crassisquama Warren, 1898;  Plate 8


Sabah, Penungah. The holotype of Pycnopera crassisquama Warren, 1898a:7 from Sabah (Penungah), is in the NHM (Mi7296), Warren (1898:7). Syn. n. Shaffer and Nielsen (1996). Ms. syn. Striglina abella Whalley(1976:73, fig’d). Ms. syn. n. as ssp. (Shaffer, 1987 LepIndex). TL Sumatra (Lebong Tandai).


25mm. A distinctive dark reddish brown species, with paler patches, a prominent median fascia and black and pale brown chequered margins. The wings are elongate in comparison to most Striglina spp. The vertex is brown and the third section of the labial palp is one quarter of the length of the second. Two possible sspp. are known: Ssp. crassisquama Warren, 1898a, Sabah. Ssp. abella Whalley,1976:73 from Sumatra, has more distinct pale patches.

Distribution & Habitat

Sumatra, W. Malaysia, Sabah. Lowland.

Life History & Pest Status

A minor pest species found in Sabah on Theobroma cacao (Sterculiaceae), cocoa, where it damages leaves (Robinson et al., 2001).

Similar spp.

See Plates