Rhodoneura sp . 3; Plate 2


Sarawak, Gg. Mulu NP. Rhodoneura sp. 3 is an unnamed series in the NHM (Mi7392)


24-28mm. This is a distinctively marked small to medium-sized species. The FW & HW have red fasciae and patches on a silver background. The body is silver-scaled with a broad red band at the abdomen base. In the NHM there are three other large (<40mm) unnamed spp. from New Guinea similar in patterning to this but with reduced reticulation and with denser blotches of a red-purplish colour


Sumatra, Sabah, Sarawak. Lowland to upper montane forest; <1620m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

Similar spp.

See Plates