Herdonia thaiensis Inoue, 1993; Plate 5;   not Borneo


Male holotype, Thailand, Kao Saming. The holotype of Herdonia thaiensis Inoue 1993: 142 & figs. from Thailand (Kao Saming), is in the NHM (Mi7449).


Male 31mm, female 39mm. A species which closely resembles H. margarita Inoue (1993), from China and Japan (not illustrated here) in patterning but it has a slightly more purplish tint and the unipectinate antennal rami of the males are longer. The translucent areas are strongly iridescent with a bluish coloration. The white HW has a pale brown termen with a submarginal area with a few small discontinuous linear marks. There is a brown submarginal fascia and two narrow median bands separated by a paler area which widens slightly towards the inner margin.

Distribution & Habitat

Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, N. Sumatra, W. Malaysia. Lowland; <400m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

Similar spp.

See Plates