Herdonia osacesalis Walker, 1859e;  Plate 4;   not Borneo


The holotype of Herdonia osacesalis Walker, 1859e: 964 from India [Bangladesh] (Sylhet), is in the NHM (Mi7447). Fig’d in Felder, Felder and Rogenh?fer (1874, Pl. 134, fig. 4). Gaede (1932: 745) regarded H. candida Gaede, 1932 from PNG as a form of H. osacesalis, but that was re-instated as a good species by Inoue (1993: 135). The male specimen figured by Watson & Whalley (1975, fig. 56x) is not H. osacesalis but an undescribed species near H. papuensis Warren, 1907 (Shaffer pers. comm. reported in Inoue, 1993: 149). Inoue (1993, 1998, 2001).


45-55mm. Usually a large species but Inoue (2001: 302) reported a male from Nepal with a wing-span c. 40mm. The female figured here is #126a on Plate 4 (cf. the male - #126) The FW is faintly ochreous brown with typical Herdonia patterning, a greyish cellular area, irregular white spots and streaking on the distal parts. This species superficially resembles H. deminuta on the FW. The HW is different having the diverging postmedian fascia. H. sundana has a patterning midway between the above species, with a slightly diverging postmedian fascia but it has a tornal area with dark reticulation rather than a distinct red-brown patch. The male antennal lamellae are less than twice the width of the shaft.

Distribution & Habitat

Hong Kong, Nepal, NE India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand. Lowland to alpine forest; <3350m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

Similar spp.

See Plates