Herdonia margarodes Inoue, 1993;   Plate 4


holotype, W. Malaysia, Cameron Highlands. The male holotype of Herdonia margarodes Inoue 1993:148 & figs.; 2001:321, & fig. 111 from W. Malaysia is in the NHM (Mi7449)


21-36mm. The smallest male (from Sumatra), measured by Inoue (2001) was 21mm but most are much larger. The FW is not falcate as in H. virginea Inoue 1993 and has patterning very similar to H. deminuta but with slightly paler colors. The termen is very weakly convex. The square red-brown patch above the tornus is in a slightly different place. FW may have R4 and R5 separate or stalked. The HW has a pale fawn fringe and margin, the termen is fairly straight, a narrow brown submarginal and median band and a brown subbasal band. The male antennal rami are about twice the width of the shaft. The face is sometimes half fuscous on the dorsal part but may be totally whitish except for brownish at the crown.

Distribution & Habitat

S. Thailand, N. Sumatra, W. Malaysia, Borneo; Kalimantan Barat. Lowland; <950m

Life History & Pest Status

No information

Similar spp.

See Plates