Calindoea sp. 13;  Plate 3


Sarawak, Gg. Santubong. Calindoea sp. 13 is an unnamed series in the NHM (Mi7347), SLS, HSB and Schulze collections. Shaffer advised this morphotype should be placed in Calindoea Walker, 1863 (pers. comm. 2008).


33mm. A reddish brown species with an indistinct darker brown overall reticulated patterning. The small series has the HW with two black dots close to the HW Costa. In some specimens the overall color may be a yellow brown. There is an antemedian band in darker brown on the FW and HW, but it may be faint. The abdomen has a dark medial line.

Distribution & Habitat

India, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, W. Malaysia, Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak. Lowland primary and secondary forest; <600m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

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