Calindoea hypargyra Hampson, 1893; Plate 2;  RTS #416


Sabah, PHS, Canopy Walkway. The holotype of Rhodoneura hypargyra Hampson, 1893:357 is from Burma [Myanmar], (Tenasserim Valley, E. of Tavoy). Ms. comb. n. to Calindoea (Shaffer, 1991 LepIndex).


21mm. This is a relatively small, dainty silvery white species with a pale grey/brown reticulate fasciation more distinct in narrow bands parallel to the wing margins. The FW and HW apices have a row of small black spots. On the underside of the FW costa is a series of shiny golden scales, those on the retinaculum being particularly noticeable.

Distribution & Habitat

Myanmar, Thailand, W. Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei, Kalimantan. Lowland and hill forest & secondary vegetation.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

Similar spp.

C.polygraphalis Walker is superficially similar with a gold scaled retinaculum but the underside of the FW costa has two lines of black and metallic silver-blue scales (n.b. Epaena spp. have no metallic scales on Un). C. anticalis Walker and C. naevina Moore look similar to C. hypargyra but have a small black and white 'eye spot' on the Un FW apex. They are best distinguished by their genitalia. See RTS.